Friday, April 19, 2013

MASL Moments

So every year, I get the awesome opportunity to go to the Missouri Association of School Librarians (MASL) Spring Conference.  My husband likes to give me a hard time about how "crazy" 700+ school librarians must get!  :)  It's such a great experience.  I come back with a ton of ideas that I usually have to sadly file away in my "August" folder because we're just a short month away from summer vacation (Just to clarify, NOT sad about that break coming up! ha!)

Some ideas are easy to implement.  In fact, I'm embarrassed that it took me so long to figure this one out.  For years now, we've put barcodes on the back of each book--at the top right.  Mainly for inventory purposes.  And for years, I've heard complaints from kids who can't read the synopsis on the back.  So I'm sitting in a session this past weekend and the presenter passed out some books for us to see.  Not only did I end up ordering the book that was handed to me, but I just happened to flip it over and see the school's barcode at the BOTTOM.  Hello! 

That said, I don't think I will be re-positioning the 11,000+ barcodes in the media center. . .  but rest assured new books will be more "user-friendly!" 

I also got some great tips on Edmodo, literacy lessons using Common Core, and research skills across the curriculum.

(Photo from MASL Spring Conference blog)
That's me sitting in the middle with the brown jacket!

Now, if you're a student, you probably aren't too excited about any of that, but check this out: 

(Photo from MASL Spring Conference blog)
Yes, that's James Dashner, author of The Maze Runner, last year's Truman winner!  He was SUCH a fun, entertaining speaker.  He talked about his family, how he got started, and how he very ceremoniously ripped up his CPA license renewal form (Yes, he was an accountant) when he made it big.  The Maze Runner is being made into a movie so watch for it to hit the big screen!  Mr. Dashner has a cameo.  SO jealous!  Gotta write my book!!!  How awesome if I had a cameo in MY book-to-movie someday!  A girl can dream. . . .

For now, though, I LOVE what I do and I'm so glad I get the chance to go to such a great conference every year!

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